Paper to CAD Conversion


PDF to CAD Conversion

PDF to CAD conversion is the process of converting paper drawings into AutoCAD files. It can be done using site plans, floor plans, exterior views, roof plans, foundation plans, electrical plans, HVAC, etc.
Paper drawing has the risk of lost or damaged and requires the space to maintain the paper until the project finish. And it also requires skilled draftsmen to understand the paper drawing, because of these permanent solutions in CAD conversion (CAD Digitization).
Our team consists of engineers, architects, and draftsmen who have extensive experience in various industries and are familiar with the global codes of conduct.
We can seamlessly put your data and sketches together to provide you with accurate final drawings. We not only convert but also create added value by pointing out errors and correcting them if necessary. We ensure quality not only from the point of view of the changeover but also from operational and functional points of view.

Benefits of PDF to CAD Conversion

  1. Permanent project record, which we can be used in the future also.
  2. Digital Drawing reduces the data loss by nearly 99.9%.
  3. Reduces the draftsmen money for hiring.
  4. Increase the workflow and accuracy in dimensions.

Talk to our experts to get detailed information about our CAD Services.
We will be glad to assist you!



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