MEP Design and Drafting


MEP Design and Drafting

MEP Design and Drafting follows the mechanical, electrical, and plumbing modeling system implemented in a wide variety of industrial, commercial, and residential projects. Any building structure project needs mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems to achieve strength.
We provide services to general contractors, engineers, consultants, MEP dealers and processors to create precise drawings for all MEP trades
MEP serves as the backbone for construction projects. MEPs' drawing services allow the creation of detailed coordination drawings of various systems, thus enabling more effective collaboration between multiple engineering professions.
Efficient and accurate MEP drawings are used for design progress, MEP installation, building records and maintenance.
Acura BIM is one of the leading MEP modelings and design companies in India and our professionals using the latest technologies such as AutoCAD MEP and Revit MEP software tools.
We have always strived to offer our customers the best solutions using the latest technologies such as AutoCAD MEP & Revit MEP software.

Convert Point Cloud to 3D Revit Models with +/- 10 mm accuracy

MEP Design and Drafting services:

  1. Plant room layout design
  2. Fire protection system design as per standard
  3. Heating and cooling block selection
  4. 3D piping modeling
  5. 3D Duct layout design and many more

Contact our experts to get detailed information about our MEP Drafting Services.
We will be glad to assist you!

Benefits of 4D Acurabim Services

  • Provides fast and accurate feedback on timescales and methodologies
  • Provides a clear impression of how the asset will appear, rather than    having to envisage that from plans or Gantt charts
  • Improved lead time identification which can reduce total construction    duration
  • It is powerful tool for communicating the impact of built assets
  • Reduces overall delivery costs for clients
  • Enhances coordination and eliminates rework
  • Provides rapid feedback on design or methodology changes to the teams


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